Call Tim at (919) 215-3292 for an exploratory, friendly discussion of our needs and of your creative ideas on new ways to join us as a volunteer. We want every volunteer to have a great, stress-free experience.
Roles & Responsibilities
Display Builder
A miniature craft person willing to make a finely-detailed display. For example, designing a layout, then carving styrofoam to hide figurine and tree bases, creating fun scenes and some simple hills or staircases. The charity will provide/procure all of the contents. This would be done at your home.
Display Installation
Every three months we need a helper for two days to go with Tim in his van and rotate displays.
Website Development & Support
The website needs fresh pictures of kids enjoying displays. If you like taking pictures and saying hello to parents and their children (to ask for guardian approval to take the picture), then we certainly can use your help.
Scout Out New Locations
Help us get into new locations. Contact your favorite hospital or library and be our emissary in getting their interest in letting us put in a display (at no cost or obligation).
Board of Directors
Volunteer to join our Board of Directors. We meet twice a year for an hour, and we also have quick one-on-one calls on new ideas several times a year.
How to Sign Up a School, Library or Medical Location
As of 2023 we've grown to serve twenty locations, and we're always looking to grow our good work. Call (919) 215-3292 for a friendly discussion. There are no contracts or obligations. Recently, we launched a program of inviting schools to have students make small arts/crafts pieces for display in the school and elsewhere.
Support as a Volunteer
As a volunteer, you’d have Tim’s complete support and help since we are such a small organization. We want any volunteers to have a wonderful experience that leverages their skills and interests, and that provides meaningful progress for Little WORLD Charity.
How to Build a Display
If you want to exercise your creative side, you can volunteer to help create a display. The charity will provide the funding for the materials/content, and will also guide the selection of a theme to ensure the resulting display is child-friendly and inclusive. You don’t need to be an artist but you should take pride in your workmanship, trying to make the work realistic and beautiful. See the video.
How Cases are Rotated
Every three months we need a helper to assist in rotating displays from one location to another around the Triangle. The purpose is to give kids something new to look at each given hospital or library. Tim uses his personal van so you would just ride along and help him move displays in and out, using a dolly. A display can weight up to 80 pounds so if you can hold 40 pounds for a half a minute, you’re capable.