Little WORLD Charity just grew again from 18 to 19 locations. I'm sure that #20 is not far down the road. Last month we rotated displays in the 18 locations and this week we added a display in Excelsior Classical Academy, a public charter school in Durham.
In early 2024, the younger students at this school will make art/craft pieces that will comprise a new display. We are excited about this new, added dimension of the charity: having children receive the pride and joy of making art that will be displayed in their school and then in our other locations. So we will be bringing smiles and inspiration to kids on the creative side along with the receiving (button pressing) side.
If you know of an art teacher or school that may be interested in doing this at their school, please have them contact me, Tim Gabriel, at (919) 215-3292. No cost and no obligation. We remain a 100% volunteer effort and all tax deductible donations go toward new display cases and content. Won't you help us by visiting
